Garapa Decking being readied for export


Making wholesale Brazilian Garapa decking at our mill in Brazil today. This extreme hardwood performs well outdoors and has a beautiful Golden Teak color. In many markets around the world this hardwood has seen steadily growing demand. Garapa has taken over our mill today as we ready some decking shipments headed to the US. Also available as FSC Certified.Containers or joblots shipped worldwide.

Garapa Hardwood Lumber Products – FSC Certified is available

Garapa Hardwood Lumber Products

Other common names for Garapa include Brazilian Oak, Brazilian Ash, Cobre, and Garrote. The wood is medium density for a tropical hardwood and mills nicely. Garapa is golden yellow in appearance and is available from our facilities as both FSC and Non-FSC certifications.

Our Garapa is kiln-dried (KD) and available as decking, flooring, dimensional lumber, E4E, S4S, RS (Rough Sawn), deck tiles, and table slabs.

It is also typically used for

  • Exterior joinery
  • Hydraulic works (seawater)
  • Ship building (ribs)
  • Cooperage
  • Turned goods
  • Furniture or furniture components
  • Wood frame house
  • Flooring
  • Industrial or heavy flooring Interior joinery
  • Ship building
  • Interior Stairs
  • Vehicle or container flooring
  • Cabinetwork (high class furniture)
  • Tool handles (resilient woods)
  • Formwork
  • Boxes and crates
  • Wood-ware

Tigerwood – Hardwood lumber products

Tigerwood - Hardwood lumber products

Tigerwood –(Astronium Graveolens )

rough sawn tigerwood blanks
Better known on the international market as Muiracatiara or Goncalo Alves, but does have lesser known names such as Brazilian Koa or Jabillo. It cuts easy for being a dense species and has very good resistance to rot and decay. The heartwood is light brown in color with moderate to wild black streaking. Due to the color variation, there is a particular allure to furniture builders, although its uses in decking and flooring are not new. Available as both FSC and Non-FSC certified Tigerwood is kiln-dried (KD) and available as decking, flooring, dimensional lumber, E4E, S4S, RS (Rough Sawn), deck tiles, and table slabs.

Common Name:

Goncalo Alves, Tigerwood, Jobillo

Botanical Name:

Astronium spp. (A. graveolens and A. fraxinifolium)

Indigenous to:

From Mexico southward to Brazil

Modulus of Rupture:

16,970 lbf/in2 (117.0 MPa)


Radial: 4.2%, Tangential: 7.8%, Volumetric: 11.2%, T/R Ratio: 1.9

How is it dried:

kiln-dried (KD)

Is it dried quickly:

Normal Drying Schedule is applicable to thickness lower or equal to 38 mm.
It must be used in compliance with the code of practice.
For thickness from 38 to 75 mm, the air relative humidity should be increased by 5 % at each step.
For thickness over 75 mm, a 10 % increase should be considered


Info coming soon

Exterior Wood Recommendation:

Class 4 – in ground or fresh water contact

Fastening Method:

Nailing / screwing: good but pre-drilling is necessary
Gluing: poor not recommended without proper oily wood procedures

Ecosystem impact:

This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Toxicity and allergic reactions:

Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Goncalo Alves has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions simply include eye and skin irritation.


No distinguishable odor

Product we manufacture using this species:

Decking, hardwood flooring, dimensional lumber, E4E, S4S, RS (Rough Sawn), deck tiles, and wood slabs

Other common uses:

Sliced veneer
Turned goods
Exterior joinery
Interior joinery
Interior panelling
Heavy carpentry
Musical instruments
Tool handles (resilient woods)

Susceptibility to

Dry Wood borers:

Durable – sapwood demarcated (risk limited to sapwood)


Class 1 – very durable


Class D – durable


Class 4 – not permeable

Against dry wood borer attacks: does not require any preservative treatment
In case of risk of temporary humidification: does not require any preservative treatment
In case of risk of permanent humidification: does not require any preservative treatment

Janka Hardness:

  • 2160 lbf (17,500 N)

Tatajuba – Hardwood lumber products

Tatajuba - Hardwood lumber products

Tatajuba –(Bagassa Guianensis)

Tatajuba also known by a few other names such as cow-wood, Amarelao, or Bagasse. It is another hardwood that has not been prevalent in all international markets. Tatajuba has characteristics similar to that of Ipe and Cumaru. It could be a good alternative to budget-conscious clients. Tatajuba is not as difficult to work with as Ipe or Cumaru. The color ranges from golden to reddish brown. Fresh cut Tatajuba appears yellow, which is close to yellowheart but darkens over time. It is available as FSC certified and is kiln-dried (KD). We have Tatajuba as decking, flooring, dimensional lumber, E4E, S4S, RS (Rough Sawn), deck tiles, and table slabs.

Common Name:

Cow-wood, Amarelao, or Bagasse

Botanical Name:

Bagassa Guianensis

Indigenous to:

Info coming soon

Modulus of Rupture:

2,752,000 lbf/in2


Radial: 4.4%, Tangential: 5.9%, Volumetric: 9.6%, T/R Ratio: 1.3

How is it dried:

kiln-dried (KD)

Is it dried quickly:

No : normal to slow is recommended

High risks of distortion in presence of highly interlocked grain. During drying, spacer sticks may stain the wood.


Moderately Stable

Exterior Wood Recommendation:

Use class ensured by natural durability: class 4 – in ground or fresh water contact
Species covering the use class 5: Yes
This species naturally covers the use class 5 (end-uses in marine environment or in brackish water)
due to its high silica content.Against dry wood borer attacks: does not require any preservative treatment
In case of risk of temporary humidification: does not require any preservative treatment
In case of risk of permanent humidification: does not require any preservative treatment

Fastening Method:

Nailing / screwing: Yes but pre-drilling is required
Gluing: Yes

Ecosystem impact:

This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Toxicity and allergic reactions:

Although severe reactions are rare, Tatajuba has been reported to cause skin irritation.


Info coming soon

Products we manufacture using this species:

Decking, flooring, dimensional lumber, E4E, S4S, RS (Rough Sawn), deck tiles, and table slabs

Other common uses:

Flooring Current furniture or furniture components
Ship building (planking and deck) Ship building (ribs)
Cabinetwork (high class furniture) Wood frame house
Interior joinery Interior panelling
Sliced veneer Sleepers
Hydraulic works (fresh water) Exterior joinery
Exterior panelling Bridges (parts in contact with water or ground)
Bridges (parts not in contact with water or ground) Heavy carpentry
Turned goods Stairs (inside)
Vehicle or container flooring Moulding
Note: Interlocked grain may be troublesome in the use of this wood.

Susceptibility to

Dry Wood borers:

Durable – sapwood demarcated (risk limited to sapwood)


Class 1 – very durable


Class D – durable


Class 3 – poorly permeable

Janka Hardness:

  • 1,720 lbf (7,650 N)

Garapa – Hardwood lumber products

Garapa - Hardwood lumber products

Garapa – (Apuleia Leiocarpa)

Other common names include Brazilian Oak, Brazilian Ash, Cobre, and Garrote. The wood is medium density for a tropical hardwood and mills nicely. Using sharp cutters is important as It does have a dulling effect on cutter heads. Our factory sharpens tooling on site in order to provide excellent quality when milling such woods. Garapa is golden yellow in appearance and is available from our facilities as both FSC and Non-FSC certifications. Our Garapa is kiln-dried (KD) readily available as decking, flooring, dimensional lumber, E4E, S4S, RS (Rough Sawn), deck tiles, and table slabs.

Common Name:

Info coming soon

Botanical Name:

Apuleia Leiocarpa

Indigenous to:

The variety “molaris” is found in the Amazonian forest, mainly in flooded areas. The main species, Apuleia leiocarpa is found mainly in the South of Brazil, in the Atlantic coast forests, easily colonizing cleared areas.

Modulus of Rupture:

18,530 lbf/in2 (127.8 MPa)


Radial: 4.2%, Tangential: 7.5%, Volumetric: 11.4%, T/R Ratio: 1.8

How is it dried:

kiln-dried (KD)

Is it dried quickly:

No should be dried slowly


Moderately Stable to Stable

Exterior Wood Recommendation:

Use class ensured by natural durability: class 2 – inside or under cover (dampness possible)

Species covering the use class 5: Yes

Against dry wood borer attacks:does not require any preservative treatment

In case of risk of temporary humidification: requires appropriate preservative treatment

In case of risk of permanent humidification: use not recommendedThe natural durability of Grapia is very variable. In some cases, this variability can be observed inside the same piece of wood. This species cannot be used without appropriate preservative treatment for end-uses under use class 3 except for some parts of a work such as windows, less exposed than
others (entrance doors, shutters).
This species naturally covers the use class 5 (end-uses in marine environment or in brackish water)
due to its high silica content. However, it is not recommended to use it in case of strong structural
constraints due to its medium mechanical properties; it is most suitable for end-uses like shipbuilding.

Fastening Method:

Nailing / screwing: good but pre-drilling is necessary
Gluing: Yes

Ecosystem impact:

This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Toxicity and allergic reactions:

Although severe reactions are uncommon, Garapa has been reported to occasionally cause skin irritation.


Nothing discernable

Products we manufacture using this species:

decking, flooring, dimensional lumber, E4E, S4S, RS (Rough Sawn), deck tiles, and table slabs

Other common uses:

  • Exterior joinery
  • Light carpentry
  • Heavy carpentry
  • Hydraulic works (seawater)
  • Ship building (ribs)
  • Cooperage
  • Turned goods
  • Furniture or furniture components
  • Wood frame house
  • Flooring
  • Industrial or heavy flooring
  • Interior joinery
  • Ship building
  • Stairs (inside)
  • Vehicle or container flooring
  • Cabinetwork (high class furniture)
  • Tool handles (resilient woods)
  • Formwork
  • Boxes and crates Wood-ware
  • Note: Finishing is easy but filling is recommended.

Susceptibility to

Dry Wood borers:

Durable – sapwood demarcated (risk limited to sapwood)


Class 3 – moderately durable


Class M – moderately durable


Class 3 – poorly permeable

Janka Hardness:

  • 1700 lbf (20,040 N)